
Education Continuity Plan Webinar

How is education possible during a global pandemic? These and other questions were addressed by the five-day Education Continuity Plan webinar series for teachers and school administrators. Big Pond Enterprises, in partnership with NUADU and Microsoft Philippines, organized the online sessions which ran from May 25-29 2020.

The webinar series gave a holistic view of the current state of our education system, looking beyond the mindset of “We can’t have face-to-face classes so we’ll make do with online classes.” Instead, resource persons from the education and technology sectors provided innovative solutions to help teachers reach their goals during the new normal.

Day 1: Philippine Education Landscape Under the New Normal by Mr. Paolo Balinas

Mr. Balinas emphasized that clear leadership and policies are crucial. He also highlighted how the pandemic has opened new ways of thinking education, with the widespread acceptance of using cloud technologies in teaching and filling educational gaps. Microsoft Teams can serve as the hub where such new learning modes can be facilitated.

Formulating Your School’s Education Continuity Plan by Ms. Cherylle Ramos

Ms. Ramos proposed that in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world, we need a solution that also has VUCA (vision, understanding, clarity, agility). She stressed that in building an education continuity plan, one must factor in leadership and culture, the teachers and their professional learning, the students’ learning experiences, assessment and accountability, and the needed infrastructure.

Day 2: Pedagogical Framework in Choosing the Right Content and Tools by Ms. Emie Baylon

Ms. Baylon showed how teachers can establish a good workflow for remote learning. She identified the key elements, including setting up of a conducive learning environment while factoring in the realities of social distancing and other restrictions. She also emphasized that one’s purpose directs the use of technology, which can aid in creating meaningful learning environments and set the pace of learning.

Day 3:  Strategies on How to Use Microsoft 365 and Teams for Online Teaching by Mr. Raymond Africa

Mr. Africa showed how to use Microsoft 365 and Teams in conducting remote learning, a strategic, measured approach to ensure students’ meets are met. He also pointed out that NUADU is linked to Microsoft 365 and Teams, making it a seamless and effective learning management system.

Day 4:  Automate Assignments and Assessments to Validate Student Learning by Mr. Sylvester Escobia

Mr. Escobia gave a detailed presentation on how NUADU provides a full home-based learning solution, providing not only automated assessment but also a tool for the preparation and facilitation of lessons. He then said that the current learning continuity plan need not be a stop-gap solution, but could be implemented into regular educational instruction even after the pandemic.

Day 5: Upskill Through Microsoft Certification and Generate Additional School Income by Mr. Francis Hernandez

Mr. Hernandez presented how Microsoft certification provides skills needed by new employers, allowing students new opportunities for employment, for teachers to build new competencies and career growth, and for schools to gain value over other schools, offer these certification programs relevant to current technologies, and consequently more revenue.

Did you miss this webinar series? You can watch the recorded sessions for free on the Big Pond Facebook page.

Interested in using technology for you as part of your school’s education continuity plan? Contact us to schedule a demo today!


What You Need to Know About the DepEd Learning Continuity Plan

To get the education of the country’s students back on track, the Department of Education (DepEd) presented its Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) to the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) last May 11, 2020. The IATF approved the BE-LCP, as well as the proposal to “open” schools on August 24, 2020.

A learning continuity plan seeks to ensure that students’ learning progresses even amidst disasters such as natural calamities, storms, fires, and pandemics. This plan overcomes obstacles created by the disasters through innovative means of teaching and learning, keeping students on track with their courses. With today’s COVID-19 pandemic, the main obstacle that has to be overcome is the need for social distancing, making face-to-face interaction impossible. Therefore, any learning continuity plan to be implemented today has to account for this limitation.

Focus on the Essentials

Learning continuity should be based less on method and more on objectives — what do we want our students to learn and accomplish? From there, we can determine the methods we will employ for the four aspects of our continuity plan:

  • Communications – Ways of providing direct teaching, asking and answering questions, discussing the lesson, and communicating instructions about activities and other matters about the course
  • Materials – Includes the content lessons are based on, references, and materials needed for learning activities
  • Learning activities and assignments – Activities that would facilitate learning that could include role-playing, case studies, group discussions and presentations, and problem-solving
  • Assessments – Means of measuring the progress of the students’ learning
Four aspects of the Learning Continuity Plan are: Communication, Materials, Learning Activities, and Assessment

Given our current situation, all four aspects of learning continuity should be geared towards distance learning to keep our students safe by maintaining social distance.

Innovative Use of Technology

If we are to craft our learning continuity plan towards distance learning, we will need to innovate our methods and use current technologies. Some teachers have already used email as a means for submitting papers so that students can submit without needing to physically go to the teacher’s office. But with quarantine measures in place, we have to go further than that.

Collaborative platforms like MS Teams provide a venue for virtual classes. Here, you can give direct instruction, facilitate discussions, and conduct activities complete with presentation slides.

On top of that, you can also employ educational apps like NUADU where you can assess your students’ progress and get recommended activities based on that assessment. What’s more, the platform also gives you access to interactive content that you can use in teaching your course.

Continuing Beyond the Calamity

Your learning continuity plan need not be a stop-gap solution for a crisis. The innovations you introduce could be implemented into your regular course instruction even after the calamity. Doing so opens new ways of learning and pursuing the course for you and your students. What’s more, the continuity plan ensures that learning continues even if major disasters occur.

Education Continuity Plan Webinar

How can you implement the learning continuity plan with the use of technology? Find out more by attending the free Education Continuity Plan Webinar Series by NUADU, Microsoft Philippines, and Big Pond run from 25 May – 29 May. Learn from Edutech practitioners and innovators about how your school can continue the learning experience beyond the four walls of the classroom.

Did you miss this webinar series? You can watch the recorded sessions for free on the Big Pond Facebook page.

Interested in using technology for you as part of your school’s education continuity plan? Contact us to schedule a demo today!

Articles News

5 chiến lược để thúc đẩy việc học trực tuyến

Hầu hết các giáo viên khi dạy trực tuyến đều sẽ gặp một số khó khăn như thiếu sự tương tác với học sinh, mất tập trung, trục trặc kỹ thuật và đối mặt với nguy cơ lây lan dịch bệnh. Sau đây là những lời khuyên để khuyến khích học sinh tham gia lớp học trực tuyến nhiệt tình hơn.

Hiện nay hầu hết các quốc gia đều cho học sinh học tập tại nhà trong giai đoạn cách ly để hạn chế sự lây lan dịch bệnh. Dù các trường học có thực hiện kế hoạch này dài hạn hay chỉ đơn giản là một biện pháp tạm thời để ngăn chặn dịch bệnh thì giáo viên cũng cần tìm ra các phương pháp dạy học hiệu quả tại nhà.

Việc dạy học trực tuyến không chỉ đòi hỏi phải có tài liệu học tập phù hợp và kết nối internet tốt mà giáo viên phải chủ động dẫn dắt và hỗ trợ học sinh làm quen với việc học trực tuyến này, bởi vì nó hoàn toàn trái ngược với môi trường lớp học mà giáo viên và học sinh đã quen thuộc.

Khi tiến hành dạy trực tuyến, giáo viên cần xem xét những khó khăn cũng như tính khả thi của một lớp học trực tuyến. Cả thầy và trò đều phải có quyền truy cập vào tài liệu học và chế độ tham gia trên nền tảng NUADU kết hợp cùng MS Teams. Đồng thời, giáo viên sẽ phải giải quyết một số khó khăn như thiếu sự tương tác với học sinh, mất tập trung, các vấn đề kỹ thuật và nguy cơ lây lan dịch bệnh.

Tin vui là chúng tôi cũng có một số lời khuyên hữu ích dành cho giáo viên để thúc đẩy học sinh của mình học trực tuyến hiệu quả hơn:

1. Xác định mục tiêu

Học sinh sẽ có xu hướng học tích cực hơn nếu biết mục tiêu đề ra trước khi học. Khi các em biết rằng việc học này sẽ mang lại điều gì đó hữu ích cho cuộc sống của mình thì các em sẽ hăng hái học hơn, cho nên khi giáo viên giao bài tập hoặc hoạt động thảo luận thì nên làm rõ mục tiêu trước và hướng đến kết quả cuối cùng ra sao.

2. Hướng dẫn rõ ràng

Giáo viên cần đưa ra các hướng dẫn và yêu cầu rõ ràng về thời gian cũng như hỗ trợ học sinh vạch ra chương trình học cụ thể giúp học sinh dễ dàng theo sát và tiến bộ hơn trong việc học.

Giáo viên nên đưa ra hướng dẫn dưới dạng gợi ý không quá khó hiểu, yêu cầu học sinh làm bài theo đúng khả năng của các em. Khi có hướng dẫn cụ thể, học sinh sẽ theo bài dễ hơn vì các em cảm thấy rằng nhu cầu học và đóng góp của các em có giá trị hơn. Vì học sinh còn bỡ ngỡ với việc học trực tuyến nên giáo viên cũng nên linh hoạt trong giai đoạn đầu còn khó khăn và không quá khắt khe nếu học sinh chưa tuân thủ theo hướng dẫn.

3. Đặt câu hỏi thu hút

Câu hỏi như thế nào mới thúc đẩy học sinh học trực tuyến và thảo luận tích cực hơn? Đó chính là các dạng câu hỏi sau:

  • Câu hỏi mở – Loại câu hỏi khuyến khích học sinh phải trả lời và giải thích nhiều hơn.
  • Gợi ý suy nghĩ sâu hơn – Những câu hỏi hay sẽ giúp học sinh phân tích, đánh giá, đào sâu hơn và khám phá khả năng của bản thân.
  • Yêu cầu học sinh sử dụng tài liệu có sẵn để xây dựng câu trả lời – Câu hỏi hay được xây dựng dựa trên nội dung khóa học, giúp học sinh có cái nhìn sâu sắc hơn về bộ môn đang học vì mỗi chủ đề được kết nối với nội dung đã thảo luận trước đó.

4. Giao bài tập đa dạng

Giáo viên nên liên tục đặt câu hỏi và cho học sinh trả lời, giao các bài tập phù hợp như giải quyết vấn đề, ví dụ thực tế cùng nhiều hoạt động khác nhưng phải đảm bảo các hoạt động này đạt được mục tiêu học tập của học sinh.

5. Đưa ra phản hồi có giá trị

Để giúp học sinh tiến bộ trong suốt khóa học, giáo viên nên phản hồi thường xuyển để học sinh biết được mình đã làm tốt những gì và cần cải thiện điểm nào. Các công cụ đánh giá của NUADU sẽ giúp giáo viên đánh giá chuẩn xác hơn và đề xuất các bài tập và hoạt động phù hợp cho từng học sinh cụ thể.

Bạn có đang tìm kiếm một công cụ học tập tại nhà hiệu quả? Liên hệ để biết thêm thông tin về lớp học trực tuyến của NUADU hợp tác cùng Microsoft để mang lại giải pháp học trực tuyến cực kì hiệu quả nhé!

Articles News

5 Strategi untuk Meningkatkan Partisipasi dalam kelas Online

Ketika Anda menyelenggarakan kelas online, Anda akan menghadapi situasi yang kurang interaksi tatap muka, masalah teknis, dan ketidakpastian akan berbagai isu pandemi. Berikut ini adalah tips dari NUADU untuk mendorong partisipasi siswa selama kelas online.

Pengaplikasian Home-based learning mengalami peningkatan yang sangat drastis karena sebagian besar negara melakukan lockdown untuk mencegah penyebaran virus corona. Jika sekolah Anda berencana untuk melakukan ini, baik dalam jangka panjang atau hanya sebagai langkah sementara, maka Anda sekarang perlu mencari cara agar dapat mengajar secara efektif dan melakukan berbagai pengaturan secara jarak jauh.

Mengajar secara online tidak cukup dengan hanya memiliki sumber daya yang tepat dan koneksi internet yang baik. Anda harus memimpin dan membantu para siswa untukmenyesuaikan diri dengan situasi saat ini, atau biasa disebut dengan ‘the new normal’. Bagaimanapun penyesuaian telah dilakukan, perlu dipahami bahwa pengajaran Online akan cukup kontras dengan lingkungan kelas yang Anda dan siswa Anda biasa jalani.

Ketika Anda melakukan kelas online, Anda perlu mempertimbangkan tantangan dan kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang terjadi pada kelas virtual. Anda dan para siswa memiliki akses ke serangkaian sumber pembelajaran dan mode partisipasi yang sangat lengkap pada platform NUADU dan MS Teams. Pada saat yang sama, Anda tetap perlu menyesuaikan diri dengan kurangnya interaksi tatap muka, distraksi, masalah teknis, dan berbagai ketidakpastian akan isu pandemi.

Berita baiknya, kami membagikan tips-tips ini untuk mendorong partisipasi siswa selama kelas online.

1. Perjelas Tujuan Anda

Siswa cenderung akan lebih banyak berpartisipasi jika mereka memahami tujuan dari apa yang mereka lakukan. Mereka perlu tahu bahwa mereka akan belajar sesuatu yang bermanfaat dan relevan. Jadi, setiap kali Anda meminta mereka untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan atau mengajak mereka untuk masuk ke dalam diskusi, jelaskan tujuan Anda dan bagaimana kegiatan tersebut akan memberikan poin dan hasil penting dari proses pembelajaran.

2. Berikan Pedoman Pembelajaran Yang Jelas

Menetapkan pedoman dan ekspektasi yang jelas terkait komitmen, waktu, tugas, dan upaya dapat membantu siswa memahami struktur untuk proses pembelajaran mereka. Ini akan memberikan arah yang lebih konkret dalam memahami pelajaran dan ukuran yang lebih nyata terkait kemajuan siswa.

Sampaikan pedoman ini sebagai masukan, bukan aturan yang mengekang dan instan. Mintalah masukan kepada para siswa tentang apa yang tampak realistis dengan konteks masing-masing. Ketika Anda menyetujui pedoman tersebut, siswa lebih cenderung untuk mengikutinya karena mereka merasa bahwa kebutuhan dan kontribusi mereka dihargai. Ini adalah waktu yang luar biasa, jadi berikan sedikit fleksibilitas dan tidak serta-merta memberikan hukuman jika pedoman ini tidak diikuti dengan sempurna oleh siswa.

3. Ajukan Pertanyaan yang Menarik

Pertanyaan seperti apa yang mendorong partisipasi dalam kelas online? Tentu jenis pertanyaan yang membuat diskusi kelas menjadi hidup:

  • Open-Ended – Pertanyaan yang dijawab lebih dari sekedar Ya/Tidak, pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini akan menggerakkan siswa untuk menguraikan dan menjelaskan.
  • Menghasilkan pemikiran dan refleksi yang lebih tinggi – Pertanyaan yang bagus juga menggerakkan siswa untuk menganalisis, menilai, menggali lebih dalam, dan mengeksplorasi berbagai kemungkinan.
  • Mendorong siswa untuk menggunakan materi pelajaran untuk membangun jawaban mereka – Pertanyaan yang bagus dibangun berdasarkan konten materi pelajaran, hal ini akan memberikan siswa pandangan yang maju tentang materi tersebut karena setiap topik terhubung dengan apa yang telah dibahas sebelumnya.

4. Berikan Beragam Kegiatan

Kelas tidak harus selalu berupa sesi tanya jawab. Buatlah kegiatan seperti pemecahan masalah, studi kasus, dan lainnya. Tetapi pastikan kegiatan ini mencapai tujuan pembelajaran, bukan hanya sekedar menambah kegiatan/kesibukan.

5. Berikan Evaluasi yang Membangun

Ketika siswa Anda mengalami kemajuan yang signifikan di dalam kelas, berikan masing-masing dari mereka penialain yang akan membantu mereka memahami dan melihat di mana posisi mereka – apakah yang mereka lakukan baik, dan apa yang mereka butuhkan untuk menjadi lebih baik. Gunakan sistem penilaian NUADU untuk membantu Anda membuat penilaian yang tepat dan merekomendasikan latihan dan kegiatan untuk setiap siswa.

Tertarik dengan sistem home-based learning yang dapat Anda siapkan dalam sehari? Yuk dapatkan info lebih lanjut tentang Kelas Online NUADU, yang merupakan solusi pembelajaran jarak jauh dengan kemitraan bersama Microsoft!

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5 Strategies to Boost Participation in Online Classes

When you conduct online classes, you need to deal with the lack of face-to-face interaction, distractions, technical issues, and the uncertainty of a pandemic. Here are the tips for encouraging student participation during an online class.

Home-based learning is experiencing a surge in popularity as most countries go on lockdown to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Whether your school plans to do this long term or simply as a stop-gap measure, you now need to figure out how to teach effectively and completely in a remote setup.

Teaching online involves more than having the right resources and a good internet connection. You have to take the lead and help your students adjust to the new normal. After all, it is quite a contrast to the classroom environment that you and your students are used to.

When you conduct online classes, you need to consider the challenges and possibilities of a virtual class. You and your students have access to an amazing set of resources and participation modes on the combined NUADU platform and MS Teams. At the same time, you need to deal with the lack of face-to-face interaction, distractions, technical issues, and the uncertainty of a pandemic.

Good thing we have these tips for encouraging student participation during an online class.

1. Clarify Your Purpose

Students tend to participate more if they know that there is a point to what they are doing. They need to know that they will learn something useful and relevant. So, whenever you ask them to do an activity or lead them into a discussion, clarify your objectives and how they lead to the main learning outcomes of the course.

2. Set Clear Guidelines

Setting clear guidelines and expectations about commitment, time, work, and effort helps give students a structure to their learning. This would give a more concrete direction to the course and a more tangible gauge to student progress.

Phrase these guidelines as suggestions, not hard and fast rules. Invite your students’ input about what seems realistic given their individual contexts. When you agree on the guidelines, students are more likely to follow them as they feel that their needs and contributions are valued. These are extraordinary times, so provide a bit of flexibility and extend grace if these guidelines are not followed perfectly.

3. Ask Engaging Questions

What kind of questions are boost participation in an online class? The same type that makes classroom discussions come alive:

  • Open-ended – Answerable by more than yes/no, these questions move students to elaborate and explain.
  • Elicits higher thinking and reflection – Good questions also move students to analyse, assess, dig deeper, and explore possibilities.
  • Requires the students to use the course content to build their answers – Good questions build upon the course’s content, giving students a progressing view of the subject matter as each topic is connected to what was discussed before.

4. Provide Diverse Activities

Classes shouldn’t always be just question-and-answer sessions. Create suitable activities like problem-solving, case studies, and others. But make sure these activities achieve the learning objectives, not just busywork.

5. Give Valuable Feedback

As your students progress through the course, give each of them feedback that would help them assess and see where they are — what they are doing good, and what they need to improve. Use NUADU’s assessment tools to help you make proper assessments and recommend exercises and activities for each student.

Interested in a home-based learning tool that you can set up in a day? Ask about NUADU’s Online Class, a distance learning solution in partnership with Microsoft.

Articles Main Page News

12 Proven Ways for Effective Distance Learning

As COVID-19 continues to spread and cities go into quarantine, more schools have been forced to close. These closures may go on for weeks, even months.

How can teachers and school administrators step up to the challenge?

Thanks to the internet and collaborative software, teachers can still conduct lessons online.

Teachers can set up virtual classrooms with teamwork hubs like Microsoft Teams, which is available for free to educational institutions. Using this tool, teachers can show PowerPoint presentations, use a digital whiteboard in real-time, and share links to the best online supporting sources.

Here are some tips that will help you get the best results from distance learning tools:

  1. Record lectures instead of streaming
  2. Show your face for a personal touch
  3. Limit each lesson 15 minutes or less
  4. Test if slides are mobile-friendly
  5. Use existing open-access resources
  6. Give specific and detailed instructions
  7. Provide interactive activities
  8. Make sure all content and navigation are accessible using the keyboard alone
  9. Set reasonable expectations
  10. Use auto-checking to measure participation
  11. Use group communications carefully
  12. Let students take control of certain activities

Don’t forget to express sympathy and encouragement to both students and their parents, who often oversee the online lessons at home. These are trying times, but we can still maintain connection even while practicing social distancing.

Interested to start home education with online tools? NUADU, in partnership with Microsoft, can help you set up a virtual classroom.


Siapkan ruang kelas online kolaboratif Anda menggunakan alat yang tepat

NUADU berkolaborasi dengan Microsoft Teams solution memiliki solusi lengkap di mana guru dapat menjalankan kelas mereka melalui alat konferensi video langsung dan, pada saat yang sama, memonitor kemajuan setiap siswa sesuai dengan kurikulum yang diterapkan.

Sebagian besar anak-anak dan remaja tidak dapat bersekolah karena himbuaan yang diamanatkan oleh pemerintah dalam upaya untuk memperlambat penyebaran COVID-19. Kelas-kelaspun dijalankan online menggunakan berbagai platform atau banyak pula yang benar-benar tidak dapat menjalankan kegiatan belajar-mengajar.

Tujuan utama kami adalah memberi guru dan otoritas pendidikan ,sebanyak yang diperlukan, untuk melanjutkan kegiatan sehari-hari mereka, guna memastikan para siswa tetap dapat melakukan aktivitas pendidikannya pada situasi krisis yang terjadi saat ini.

NUADU berkolaborasi dengan Microsoft Teams solution memiliki solusi lengkap di mana guru dapat menjalankan kelas mereka melalui alat konferensi video langsung dan, pada saat yang sama, memonitor kemajuan setiap siswa sesuai dengan kurikulum yang diterapkan.

Solusi ini dirancang dengan penuh perhitungan sesuai dengan kebutuhan sekolah sehingga para guru dapat mempertahankan peran mereka dan terus bekerja walaupun dalam kondisi home-based. Peemasangan alat yang mudah, seperti alat plug and play, sehingga Rekan Pengajar tidak perlu mengkhawatirkan perihal birokrasi, rapat, dan lokakarya.

NUADU dan Microsoft Teams solution memfasilitasi para Guru untuk:

  • PowerPoint dengan ‘shared screen’, berbagai sumber dari website, serta informasi tambahan lainnya untuk semua peserta yang bergabung dengan kelas online;
  • Memberikan tugas di ruang kelas seperti halnya dalam tugas fisik (kelas);
  • Melakukan kuliah langsung dan sesi feedback/penilaian tatap muka;
  • Materi pelajaran direkam dan dapat dibagikan agar peserta kelas dapat mempelajari kembali materi yang diberikan;
  • Menggunakan konten yang sudah rapi dan dipersiapkan dengan matang untuk kenyamanan peserta kelasMenggunakan konten yang sudah rapi dan dipersiapkan dengan matang untuk kenyamanan peserta kelas;
  • Berdiskusi dengan siswa dan dalam kelompok;
  • Memonitor kemajuan yang berhubungan dengan kurikulum dan silabus;

Jangan ragu dalam membuat pilihan yang tepat untuk sekolah.

Hubungi kami dan perwakilan kami akan memandu Anda dalam menerapkan Kelas Online Kolaboratif.


Set up a collaborative online classroom using the right tools

NUADU combined with Microsoft Teams is a complete solution in which teachers can run their classroom via videoconferences and track the progress of every individual student according to the curriculum. 

A record number of children and youth are not attending school because of closures mandated by governments in an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19. Classes will be run online using wise tools or will not be run at all.

Our ultimate goal is to give teachers and education authorities as much as is needed to continue their day to day activities, ensuring that their students are progressing in this challenging and sudden environment that surrounds us all.

NUADU combined with Microsoft Teams solution has a complete solution in which teachers can run their classroom via live video conferencing tools and, at the same time, track the progress of every individual student according to the curriculum.

The solution is strictly designed for school usage so the teachers can maintain their roles and continue to work in a home-based condition.

Setting up is smooth like a plug and play tools, so do not have to worry about bureaucracy, meetings, and workshops.

NUADU and Microsoft Teams solution enable teachers to:

  • Screen share PowerPoints’, website resources other additional resources to all participants joining the online classroom;
  • Launch assignment in the classroom just like in a physical one;
  • Conduct live lectures and face to face feedback sessions;  
  • Record and share for future repetitions;  
  • Use ready-made content for their convenience;
  • Chat with students and in the group;  
  • Track progress linked to curriculum and syllabus;  

Do not hesitate to make the right choice for your school.

Contact us and our representative will guide you to the Collaborative Online Classroom.


NUADU to be showcased as part of ‘School of The Future’ zone at Microsoft EduDays 2019

The NUADU team invites you to join us at the EduDays 2019 conference, hosted by Microsoft for Education, in Warsaw on May 16.

The NUADU platform will be showcased in the ‘School of the Future’ interactive zone and featured in a presentation on the future vision of what school will look like in the year 2030, along with other state-of-the-art technologies.

Participants will have an opportunity to test our ready-to-implement solution, discuss its advantages with members of our team, and book a trial for their schools.

The NUADU demo will be accompanied by other presentations featuring good practices and interesting projects from all over the world. Some AI, blockchain and machine learning solutions will also be discussed. 

The conference admission is free of charge.

When: 16 May 2019, 09:30-16:00
Where: MS Mermaid, Wioślarska 8, Warszawa

For the detailed agenda and to register, please visit:


Platforma NUADU w Szkole Przyszłości na Microsoft EduDays 2019

Zapraszamy 16 maja w Warszawie do udziału w konferencji EduDays, której gospodarzem jest Microsoft dla Edukacji. Rozwiązanie NUADU będzie częścią interaktywnej strefy Szkoły Przyszłości prezentowanej na tym wydarzeniu.

Przedstawiona na konferencji wizja szkoły z roku 2030 wykorzysta w procesie nauczania najnowsze technologie, w tym także NUADU. Uczestnicy będą mogli przetestować gotowe do wdrożenia rozwiązanie, przedyskutować jego zalety z przedstawicielem NUADU i umówić się na okres próbny w swojej szkole.

Wszystko to odbędzie się w otoczeniu prezentacji najlepszych praktyk i ciekawych projektów edukacyjnych z całego świata, dyskusji o rozwiązaniach z wykorzystaniem sztucznej inteligencji, blockchaina i uczenia maszynowego. Gościem specjalnym konferencji będzie Artur Partyka – mówca motywacyjny, wybitny sportowiec.

Udział w konferencji jest bezpłatny.

Termin: 16 maja 2019 r.
Godz. 9:30-16:00
Lokalizacja: MS Mermaid,Ul. Wioślarska 8, Warszawa

Szczegółowa agenda i rejestracja na stronie: