
NUADU: Nowa Szkoła

Tego lata zorganizowaliśmy serię przemiłych spotkań z uczniami, nauczycielami, dyrektorami szkół, naczelnikami oświaty oraz włodarzami miast, którzy korzystają z NUADU lub którzy swoimi decyzjami przyczynili się do popularyzacji naszego rozwiązania.

Pragniemy im wszystkim serdecznie podziękować za słowa uznania, entuzjazm i udział w naszym przedsięwzięciu. Wasze uwagi – szczególnie te krytyczne 😉 – mają bezpośredni wpływ na kształt #NUADU. Tworzymy NUADU dla Was. Dziękujemy!

News Videos

NUADU: New School

Over the course of the last summer we have organized a series of amazing encounters with students, teachers, headmasters, and city authority representatives who use NUADU, or who have contributed to the popularization of our project.

We would like to thank all of them for their appreciation, enthusiasm and participation in our undertaking. Your comments—the critical ones in particular—have a direct impact on how #NUADU develops. NUADU has been created for your benefit. Thank you!


Interviews and surveys with users of our platform

Encounters with Teachers in Poland, Singapore, and Jakarta

October 2018 was a very fruitful month for NUADU. We had a series of meetings with school teachers, directors and heads of municipalities, mayors of cities. We visited the 5th ICT Congress in Education in Toruń and the VII Forum of Directors of Education Institutions in Katowice. We conducted interviews and surveys with users of our platform in Gdynia, Singapore, and Jakarta to take a closer look at their everyday work, learn about problems and needs. We will present our findings in the research report in Q1 2019! Watch this space or subscribe to our newsletter on!


The Incredibles Acceleration Program 2018

NUADU among the winners of The Incredibles Acceleration Program 2018

Happy to inform that NUADU is among the winners of The Incredibles Acceleration Program 2018! Especially glad looking forward knowledge and know-how transfer, training, and networking.


Polish Investment and Trade Agency Award

We are pleased to inform that NUADU received the award by the Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu – PAIH – Polish Investment and Trade Agency for its expansion on foreign markets.


NUADU w Oleśnicy

Mamy zaszczyt poinformować, że dnia 12 października NUADU podpisało umowę z miastem Oleśnica na dostarczenie zasobów dydaktycznych do platformy edukacyjnej.

Dzięki tej umowie uczniowie i lokalne szkoły przez 6 lat będą korzystać z NUADU w pełni, czyli wraz z materiałami edukacyjnymi (zawierającymi
50 000 gier, testów, materiałów zdjęciowych i wideo) ze wszystkich przedmiotów z całej podstawy programowej. Jest to II etap projektu e-Oświata realizowanego przez miasto Oleśnica.


Nagroda Polskiej Agencji Inwestycji i Handlu

Miło nam poinformować, że NUADU otrzymało nagrodę Polskiej Agencji Inwestycji i Handlu (PAIH) w kategorii Ekspansja Zagraniczna.


EduTECH Asia was a blast!

Thank you all for your genuine interest in #NUADU and our partners for extensive support.

Let’s keep on rocking! Our best people remain in town, available for the brainstorm! #Singapore #edutech #edtech


NUADU and Twig Education

NUADU and Twig Education join forces to bring personalised education to students around the world!

NUADU data driven content delivery capabilities will be fuelled by the most advanced K-12 educational video library of all time. A selection of Twig’s award-winning #teaching resources are to be made available for interested #NUADU users. Watch this space to know more or reach out to discuss commercial opportunities! #K12 #video #education


Students’ Engagement and Motivation

Psychologist broadly define learning as a process based on experience, that can lead to persistent change in behaviour and cognitive development. Why do we ever stop studying?

Why do we ever stop studying?

Or should I say why do we not? What is there so deeply influencing, that drives us to spend countless nights, or worse — weekends, on acquiring new knowledge or skill set. And why do we lose it over time? Actually, do we?

Give yourself a moment to think about it — you will probably find at least a few reasons strong enough to ignite your motivation. The question is — what do we do to preserve it?

To answer this question, we should start with understanding the actual concept of learning. Psychologist broadly define learning as a process based on experience, that can lead to persistent change in behaviour and cognitive development. To further clarification, a behavioural change based on past actions can be seen in our reluctance or willingness in doing something, e.g. a student keen on picking up Spanish classes in high school due to great Spanish teacher from their secondary school. Cognitive development is a little harder to observe, however, we increasingly notice how teachers’ actions affect students’ learning process and preparation toward national examination. How can we determine in specifics a factual causal connection between our children’s homework and the employability competencies required in today’s society? Therefore, how can we expressly identify what the drive for our kids to stay engaged in their homework is?

One of the tactics we all apply, even unconsciously, is reinforcement and punishment strategy, which ideally should teach our kids hard-work and systematicity. Reinforcement is shortly described as adding a positive or removing a negative stimulus, whereas punishment is the exact opposite. E.g for having done the homework we reinforce our student positively by giving them a good mark, for not having done the homework though, we punish them with a bad mark (positive punishment) or we remove the good mark (negative reinforcement). This method, however well-known and proved, does not take cognisance of personal condition that can affect students preparedness, and therefore using psychological conditioning, might be fruitless and demotivating.

One of the logical solutions to this problem is paying more attention to personalized education. It is agreed by social researches globally that such approach has a great value and impact on individual progress. However, in reality of overcrowded classes or rapid pace path — it still might be too challenging to execute.

Schools and educators, aware of the situation, are constantly looking for new innovative improvements, deciding to e.g. adjust schooling individually, implementing AI technology or providing students with a specially tailored learning support devices.

Unfortunately, having it all is not always enough to motivate our student to do their best, and it is because students , same as all of us, lifelong learners, we all need personal touch, support on the toughest raises, clarification — why it does not all go the way I planned.

This is why we have created NUADU and why we cooperate with schools and publishers all over the world, gathering their opinions about our product in classroom reality. NUADU’s main functionality focuses on giving the teacher all possible tools and (what is most important) time to manage their students learning flow individually, keep them engaged in the process by instant feedback on their actions and ability to use positive reinforcement even if students are not in the classroom. Knowing their students, teachers can provide them with different types of exercises and learning games, supporting different types of learners, e.g. visual, auditory. But according to our subscribed teachers, the most valuable is the fact that they are able to assist their students far more than just during weekly classes, precisely planning their progress based on the data NUADU provides them with. From the details as math exam on equation in one’s primary, to really powerful data as general learning gaps at students goals and objectives roadmap.

We are at the beginning of our journey with Asian schooling known as one of the most demanding but effective in the World, on the other hand, much too stressful and heavy. We are hoping to learn as much as possible from our partners here, to see what else we can do to make the educational development accessible for everyone, everywhere. At NUADU, we all believe that everyone can achieve success, can become a long-life learner, can realise their trigger and be able to keep it on fire — all you need is… to want.

Adrianna Trembińska is a multicultural, business psychologist who specialises in Chinese culture & market. Having professional experience in both education and information technology, Adrianna joined NUADU as International Business Developer.